The Online Central Hub
This is your hub for taking steps with Jesus and engaging at Journey.
Connecting Opportunities
Journey Men
We're better together! Join together with other men and follow Jesus. Click the link below to receive communication on Journey Men opportunities via GroupMe.
Hold Fast: An Environment For Moms With Young Kids
Gather with other moms to encourage and support each other. Each meeting will provide childcare (for children ages birth-5 years old) so you can enjoy hot coffee, breakfast, hear from a speaker and engage in small group discussion.
Tuesday, January 28, 12pm - 1:30pm. Join us for lunch at the Caledonia Location as we share a meal, connect, grow, and invest in others through encouragement!
Small Groups
Small Groups are a great way to connect with others and grow with Jesus. Small Groups launch Sunday, February 2!
Join A Ministry Team
Ministry teams are always open for people looking to serve and influence others by using their God-given gifts.
Upcoming Events
Nicaragua Trip Interest Meeting
Sunday, January 26, 10:30am. Want more information on the June Nicaragua Trip?Attend the interest meeting to learn more!
Tuesday, January 28, 12pm - 1:30pm. Join us for lunch at the Caledonia Location as we share a meal, connect, grow, and invest in others through encouragement!
Journey Students Freeze One Night
Friday, January 31, 6pm - 10pm. A night for 6th - 8th graders to gather together for a time filled with fun, food, games, and a message from a guest speaker.
Wellsprings Explore Class
February 3, 6:30pm - 7:30pm. The best way to learn more and engage with Wellsprings is at the Explore Class, a 60-minute environment to explore what freedom and healing means and how Jesus invites us to experience it.
First Tuesday Prayer & Worship
Tuesday, February 4, 6:30pm - 7:30pm. Join us at the Caledonia Location for a time of prayer, worship, and response.
Ministry Team Inspire Event
Saturday, February 8, 10am - 12pm. The Inspire Event is for anyone who serves on a ministry team at Journey. You can expect refreshments, a space to laugh and connect with others, and inspiring talks from a guest speaker.
Friday, February 28, 8pm - 12am (midnight). Gather25 is a gathering of the Global Church for a time of prayer, worship, repentance, and commissioning for the purpose of making Jesus known across the world. Journey is hosting a ‘Gather Group’ at the Middleville Location where we will come together to watch the Gather25 broadcast.
Journey Students Motion Weekend
February 28 - March 2. Motion Weekend is a retreat for 9th - 12th graders to gather together for worship, games, messages from a guest speaker, and much more. The weekend will be spent at Camp AO-WA-KIYA located in Shelby, MI.
Ministries & Opportunities
Free Resources