The Online Central Hub

This is your hub for taking steps with Jesus and engaging at Journey.

Upcoming Events

  • December Big Give

    December 1-31: The Big Give is a chance to go above and beyond our normal giving to make a difference throughout the month of December. Find the giving opportunities and more info below!

  • Christmas Eve Invites

    December 1-24: We're pursuing the goal of inviting 611 people to a Christmas Eve service this year. Once you’ve invited, submit the names of your invitations below as we pursue this goal together!

  • Christmas Eve at Journey

    December 24: Celebrate Christmas Eve at Journey on Tuesday, December 24 at 4pm or 6pm! Expect free coffee and hot drinks, fun pre-service elements, a family-friendly service with carols and an engaging message. We will close our time with a candle lighting moment.

  • First Tuesday Prayer & Worship

    Tuesday, January 7, 6:30pm - 7:30pm. Join us at the Caledonia Location for a time of prayer, worship, and response.

  • Men's Steak Night

    Monday, January 20, 6pm - 9pm. Save the date for an evening for men to enjoy food, connection, and growth with Jesus at Impact Church in Lowell. More information to come!

  • Journey Students Freeze One Night

    Friday, January 31, 6pm - 10pm. A night for 6th - 8th graders. More details to come!

  • Wellsprings Explore Class

    February 3, 6:30pm - 7:30pm. The best way to learn more and engage with Wellsprings is at the Explore Class, a 60-minute environment to explore what freedom and healing means and how Jesus invites us to experience it.

  • Ministry Team Inspire Event

    Saturday, February 8, 10am - 12pm. The Inspire Event is for anyone who serves on a ministry team at Journey. You can expect refreshments, a space to laugh and connect with others, and inspiring talks from a guest speaker.

Ministries & Opportunities

Free Resources

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