Celebrate Christmas Eve in Caledonia, Middleville, or online! You can expect free coffee and hot drinks, fun pre-service elements, a family-friendly service with carols and an engaging message. We will close our time with a candle lighting moment.
Caledonia Location
December 24, 4pm & 6pm
Journey Kids for birth-5 years (all other ages invited to join the service in the Worship Center)
9815 Cherry Valley Ave, Caledonia, MI
Middleville Location
December 24, 4pm & 6pm
Journey Kids for birth-5 years (all other ages invited to join the service in the Worship Center)
1664 M-37, Middleville, MI 49333
December 24, 4pm & 6pm
youtube.com/thejchurch or thejchurch.com/churchonline